Friday, September 25, 2015

SIC Day 21: Bye...

Nice article about autoimmune disease.
Quote from the article:
- There are a host of environmental factors that trigger autoimmune disorders, including chemical toxicants, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, emotional stress, and drugs.
- There are a large number of bacteria in the oral cavity, approximately 1012, which include the tongue, teeth, and periodontal tissues. In contrast, the stomach has only 103-104 bacteria and there are 108-109 in the terminal ileum. The greatest number of bacteria is in the large intestine. The majority of these bacteria, approximately 70%, cannot be cultivated by current laboratory microbiological methods [47]. The gut, with a surface area of approximately 200 square meters, is where we come into greatest contact with the outside world and it follows that the gut also has the largest collection of immune cells, consisting of 70% of all lymphoid tissues in the body [48, 49]. It serves to prevent the outgrowth of pathogenic organisms. Recent studies have discussed the human microbiome and its composition in the healthy gut [50, 51]. We carry approximately 1 × 10(13) microorganisms in our gut, more than 10 times the total number of cells in our bodies [52]. The two predominant bacterial phylotypes are Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes [53]. Interestingly, the number of genes of our intestinal microbiota is 150 times greater than the number of genes in the human genome (Figure 2) [54]. Diet can substantially effect the microbiota. For example, in a diet that is high in fat and protein, Bacteroides spp. enterotype predominate, whereas in a diet that is high in carbohydrates, Prevotella spp. enterotypes predominate

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

SIC Day 19. Kau yang ku panggil cinta

Kau yang ku panggil cinta. petunia... I am not petunia lover... never... but the colour combo by Kak Ida AB Nursery just make my day. 3 colours for rm15. I am happy. Laling flowers.. please live well during our Raya Haji balik kampung ya.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

SIC Day 18... Monday blues and sick...

No posting for yesterday 21.09.15. hahahaha...

Semalam menonton Fattabiouni kat rumah mak, dinayatakan tentang sunnah menanam pokok untuk tujuan sedekah dan sebagainya. Antara yang menarik hati lain ialah larangan tentang menebang pokok. So, bila tanam pokok, niatkan ikut sunnah sama, byk pahala dapat.

Kesan dari itu, sy dan mak #cikguselma ke AB Nursery dan membeli pokok. Untung perniagaan semalam sebab dapat org gila pokok mcm km. Sy sendiri borong 8 kaler vinca. Mak borong vanda dan daisi byk jg... Walau xsemurah Sg Buloh, namun kita murah jg lah. Sepokok rm8, mungkin sbb km borong sgt byk. :D

Sunday, September 20, 2015

SIC Day 17... wah... approaching...

 Teringat buruh piramid dahulu kala yang mogok akibat bekalan bawang putih yang disekat. Itulah pentingnya garlic....

menggunakan daun mambu. natural ingredient for skin whitening kekononnya. :))

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

SIC Day 15.

Quite a productive day... Having innovation day, preliminary qualification to PERTIWI. Early morning watched the adorable Mike Roesslein (hahahah)... hope to watch the youtube version asap plis... Went back home to Jitra... home sweet home, chatting with cats... pampering the flowers... ^^ How's ur day? Come and join us #freemarketzakatkedah tomorrow folk. 9 - 11 am.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

SIC Day 14: tired...

sy sedang membaca buku seorang fraudster... suka sy membacanya bukan utk mencari salah. nama dirahsiakan... namun ilmunya masih sy dapat, cuma sy suka nk mnambah a few yg mungkin x disebut spt essential oil etc.
pernah dgr agaknya org dok sebut sorang yg menipu mudah dpt brain cancer. membaca bukunya sy kagum. agak full of resources; mmg perlu byk kerja utk menipu & same time becoming a best seller.
dan kemudian sy terfikir... ia adalah ilmu... tsk tsk tsk...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SIC Day 13... Worming and moon phase.

Another 8 days more to complete the 21 days of SIC (Self improvement challenge). I don't know whether I already improved a lot compared to day 01. My motto... paying forward regardless what form of good deed it is... The least is info sharing in facebook. Just that...

Being me, I always struggle to categorized everything. All the massive info, even my softcopies in PC and laptop... For online cloud storage; all the platform... Pinterest, facebook, google+, google drive, instagram, blog. what else?

16.09. Selamat Hari Malaysia to all Malaysian... Happy short holiday in the middle of the week. Us staying in Pauh, already slow walking, went to market, bought some nuke bomb for parasite protocol.
Worm cycle in human body, picture in Malay credit to GNRAM.

Here are some natural remedies to take during parasite protocol:

===================================================================Seems like we'r having illness during moon phase, either new moon or full moon. What a consequence. This time, #fatehidwan coughing so badly. Hope this battle is over asap.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Health Resources

Name your scholar reference or resources in googling:
1. General health: Joseph Mercola, Mark Hyman, DrAxe, DrOz, Amy Myers, DrSuriya, Dr Suraya, Russel Blaylock, Vani Hari (Food Babe), Health Tribe Rebel.

2. Histamine: Yasmina Ykelenstam (low histamine chef)

3. Minding mitochondrial: Terri Wahls, Dr Suzanne Goh

4. Parasite: Kerri Rivera, Dr Andreas Klacker,

5. Fermentation: Sandor Katz,

6. Vax: DrTenpenny, Humpreys

7. MTHFR: Carol Savage, Benjamin Lynch, Amy Yasko, John Catanzaro

8. Heavy metal: Andy Cutler

9. Gentle birth: Ina Mary Gaskin,

10. Essential Oil:

11. Juicing:

12. GcMAF

SIC Day 11: Me, a proud teacher. Good movies.

Melihat beberapa anak2 didik... byk sy belajar dr mereka. Pernah dengar x doa guru itu mustajab? Sy cikgu. Sy xpernah rasa ada sifat; yg doa sy akan makbul gitu. Mungkin sebab inferiority complex yg sy ada. Bukan merendah diri, just ia adalah fakta... sy dan students (even dgn orglain) hbgn dua hala sedar atau tidak. byk sy belajar dr student sy smpai skrg.
Bangga melihat Aty sebenarnya post ni. Terdetik di hati sy... sy nk ‪#‎nurauliasofea‬ mcm aty nanti. walau bagaimana anda di sekolah etc... ur HPNM PNGK is not ur final destiny. attitude tu yg lebih penting. anda boleh pergi jauh dengan kualiti2 yg anda ada. just develop urself to the fullest. mulai sekarang! other ppl recognition is not important. satisfy urself first.

List of some educational documentary movies MUST WATCH:
1. Microbirth
2. Fedup
3. Surviving terminal cancer
4. Forks Over Knives
5. Inside Out
6. That Sugar Film
7. Magic In the Moonlight

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kalori oh kalori.

Credit to Coach Nana FB.
Are you eating the right way to reduce weight? What is your aim actually? Know what your calorie intake (supposed to be), know calorie in ur food. plus... know the bad and good foods. Kick processed food, replace with raw home cooked foods.

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