Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ujian Kelikatan (Bostwick Consistometer)

1) Reference: (https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:942286/FULLTEXT01.pdf) Method: Bostwick consistency measurements Flow lengths of the ketchup samples were measured using a standard Bostwick consistometer (CSC Scientific Company, Inc., Fairfax, VA) with sample compartment dimensions of 4.0 X 5.0 X 5.0 cm. After each sample was loaded into the compartment, the gate was opened, and the Here, mushrooms could provide a nutritious protein source requiring relatively fewer resources.

Discussion: However, due to the uneven distribution of scattering particles across the radius of the pipe, and in particular near the wall, it may be difficult to use the measured non-zero velocity at the wall as a direct measure of wall slip, even when the spatial resolution is high. Another factor is that the ultrasound sample volume overlaps the flowing fluid and wall interface. The flat region in the center of the pipe with constant velocity indicates the existence of a moving plug in which shearing of the sample takes place. The plug radius is directly related to the fluid yield stress, which can thus be determined directly from the measured data

2)Reference: (https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Determination%20of%20Consistency%20Tomato%20Products.pdf

Method: Bostwick Consistometer - (Cenco - Bostwick Consistometer, Central Scientific Company No. 24925). The instrument must have a smooth, flat trough, free from buckles or other distortions. There must be no more than a slight leakage under the gate when the gate is closed and the sample is allowed to stand in the reservoir for several minutes. Be sure that the gate moves freely and opens completely when tripped.


Consistency (Bostwick-Consistometer Method)

at 12.0% Natural Tomato Soluble Solids:

Range ------- 6.1 cm. to 7.3 cm.

Average----- 6.7 cm.

Method: Bostwick Measurement. Flow lengths of the tomato concentrate blends and ketchup samples were measured using a standard Bostwick consistometer (CSC Scientific Company, Inc., Fairfax, VA). The sample compartment dimensions were 4.0, 5.0 and 5.0 cm for the height, length and width, respectively. For each fluid, a sample at 20  1C was loaded into the compartment. The gate was opened, and the distance traveled by the leading edge of the concentrate after 30 s was recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm. Three measurements were performed and averaged.


The Bostwick measurement, taken at 12 °Brix, for each of the tomato concentrate blends is given in Table 1. As the mass fraction, x, of the more viscous paste increased, the Bostwick measurement, B, decreased linearly (B = 6.7x -5.5; R2 = 0.955) (Fig. 1). As an approximation, the Bostwick measurement of a blend was a weighted average of the Bostwick measurements of the two pastes. This type of approximation is useful in the factory because lots of tomato concentrate with different Bostwick measurements are blended in the remanufacture process for sauces (e.g., pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce) and ketchup.

4)Reference: (https://redgoldfoods.com/docs/librariesprovider2/product-specifications/chili-sauce-12-oz-pet-ka1p.pdf?sfvrsn=fec4920d_2)

Result chili sauce lain untuk dibandingkan: QUALITY ATTRIBUTES Viscosity Target (Bostwick cm,30s,68F): 5.5 cm

5)Reference: (https://www.morningstarco.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Specification-Aseptic-Chili-Sauce-125PC-125PC.pdf)

Bostwick: 4.0 – 5.5 cm (2)

* Berdasarkan rujukan (3), pensyarah perlu menentukan nilai Brix terlebih dahulu untuk memudahkan perbincangan kaitan Brix dan bacaan jarak (cm) melalui ujian Bostwick

** Berdasarkan rujukan (4), pensyarah perlu menentukan nilai pH sebagai standard quality attributes untuk sos cili